Chad Lucci, MS, PA-C

Chad Lucci, MS, PA-C
Adult with CF

Chad is 40 years old and currently lives in Denver as a physician assistant with his wife, Mari, son, Jackson, boxer, Hendrix, and bulldog, Meatloaf. He was diagnosed with CF at 5 months old, and has overcome countless setbacks and exacerbations to live a quality and productive life. He and his family are avid hikers and bicycle riders, and have embraced the Colorado lifestyle since moving from Chicago. He plays multiple musical instruments, enjoys reading, and is a freelance writer. Check out his personal blog at

Blog Posts


When I was younger, I thought my cystic fibrosis affected me and only me. I have begun to realize the emotional toll that CF also takes on my family and loved ones.

| 4 min read

It wasn't until I got some perspective that I realized that when I rebelled against my cystic fibrosis treatment plan, I was rebelling against myself.

| 4 min read

I gravitated toward a career in health care almost without thinking about it. It has been rewarding, but it has cost me too.

| 5 min read