Frank and Sue LaRosa

Frank and Sue LaRosa
Parents of children with CF

Frank and Sue have been married for 35 years and live in northern Kentucky. Their daughter, Alyssa LaRosa, passed away at 29.5 years in March 2018 from cystic fibrosis. Their 25-year-old son, Francis “Tré” LaRosa III, also has CF. Frank lost a 6-year-old cousin to CF in 1966 and later his 12-year-old sister to CF in 1978. Frank and Sue are avid fundraisers for CF research.

Blog Posts


As the parents of two children with cystic fibrosis, we survived every parent's nightmare -- the loss of a child. Alyssa, our 29-year-old daughter, died in March 2018 after two failed double-lung transplants. We don't question why, because there is no acceptable answer. We just soldier on and fight for our son. 

July 16, 2019| 5 min read