There are many ways to support and connect with people with CF and their families.

We have about 70 chapters and offices across the country that work diligently to raise funds and support our community in the search for a cure. They host events (including virtually and outdoors) and serve as a hub for the CF community. Get to know them!

Join people with CF and their families and attend an event, in person or online.

Meet others who are touched by CF and share your experiences and expertise.

Individuals and companies can raise funds in meaningful ways to help us find a cure.

As a volunteer, you’ll join thousands of people across the country who are helping add tomorrows to the lives of people with cystic fibrosis.

We are driven by a dream that one day every person with CF will have the chance to live a long, healthy life. You are an important part of our progress. Help us by making a donation today.

The CF community is small but powerful. Volunteer advocates drive our legislative and regulatory agenda forward at every level of government.

People with cystic fibrosis and their family members know CF better than anyone. By sharing your insights and experiences, you can help shape the future of CF research, care, and programs.

Impact Grants provide up to $10,000 per year for up to two years to individuals or organizations working to benefit and empower the cystic fibrosis community.