Ginny Dieruf

Ginny Dieruf
Mother of an adult with CF

Ginny is the founder of The Cody Dieruf Benefit Foundation. Although she lost her daughter, Cody, to cystic fibrosis at the age of 23, she and her family have indeed found a new perspective on life and turned tragedy into a legacy of love. A longtime resident of Bozeman, Mont., Ginny continues, even after the death of her daughter, to offer hope, passion, and strength to those with CF and their families through her foundation. She hangs on to the belief that one day, a cure will be found.

Blog Posts


An Impact Grant from the CF Foundation allowed my program, the Mothers' Retreat Program, to provide a space for moms of children with CF to get together and learn new approaches for addressing self-care, anxiety, and depression.

May 11, 2018| 5 min read