Lindsay Dahl

Lindsay Dahl
Digital Project Manager, CF Foundation

Lindsay is a digital project manager for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, overseeing the strategy and execution of initiatives such as the first-ever BreatheCon. She recently earner her master's degree in social enterprise from American University, where she studied business and innovation methods to create change and opportunity within purpose-driven organizations.

Blog Posts


Unless you have cystic fibrosis or live with someone who does, it's hard to truly understand the full impact of this disease. Through the power of storytelling, these CF community members are helping to bridge that gap of understanding. Check out the latest books and films created by people intimately familiar with CF.

May 3, 2018| 7 min read

The cystic fibrosis community is a pretty spectacular bunch, whether you are living with this disease or helping to raise awareness and funds every day to fight for a cure. I'm excited to highlight a small sampling of the remarkable things you are doing in support of people with CF.

Sept. 28, 2017| 6 min read