Joey Disser

Joey Disser
Adult with CF

Joey, 31, was diagnosed with CF shortly after birth. He has participated in numerous clinical trials and research studies. When he is not working as a hospitalist nurse practitioner, he is most likely spending time with his daughter and the rest of his family, taking classes, or creating art.

Blog Posts


As a medical professional who has cystic fibrosis, I have experienced both sides of pain management and chafed under the new rules for prescribing pain medications brought about by a nationwide opioid crisis. Despite having to add yet another doctor to my long list of providers, a trip to a pain management specialist wasn't as bad as I thought.

Oct. 9, 2018| 7 min read

Participating in the RARE study gave me an opportunity to play a role in finding a therapy that one day could help me and other people with CF who have two nonsense mutations.

June 14, 2018| 7 min read