Nicholas Kotowski

Nicholas Kotowski
CF Spouse

Nicholas is the husband of an amazing woman, Amber. He met his wife on the internet, not knowing she had CF or had gone through a lung transplant. Once he found out, life continued as normal because he understood CF does not define who a person is. Together, they wish to help people explore what life looks like after a lung transplant.

Blog Posts

Nicholas Kotowski Baby Sonogram

My wife and I opted for a surrogate to carry our child following her double-lung transplant. After five years of struggling with a bad surrogacy agency, we finally switched providers and found a surrogate who is now carrying our child.

Sept. 2, 2021| 6 min read

I didn't know until date four that my future wife had cystic fibrosis and was a lung transplant recipient. She was too wonderful for me to care.

Nov. 12, 2020| 5 min read