When I'm getting ready for clinic days, I fight the stress and anxiety with extra treatments, time with my dogs, and a semi-public singing of one of my favorite 80s songs. What do you do before your clinic appointments?

Somer was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at 11 months in 1980. She tries to live each day to the fullest by keeping her hopes high and dreams big. Somer is an active advocate in the CF community who has spent her life fighting the disease alongside her parents. Follow Somer on Love To Breathe.
Blog Posts

Stress, lack of sleep, and constant interruptions make spending time in the hospital physically and emotionally exhausting. But for me, it's just as difficult to come home from a hospital stay and get back to “real life.”

Because so much rides on them, the pulmonary function tests (PFT) -- that are a part of every cystic fibrosis care center visit -- fill me with anxiety.

Getting sick for a person with CF is so much more than a couple days off watching Netflix. It can be really scary. But you can help us stay healthy this cold and flu season.

It's that dreaded time again ... Cough, cough, sneeze ... Yuck! I'm prepared, though. And you can be too. Check out the top nine tips I swear by for staying healthy during cold and flu season.