Cough, hack, choke. Cough, choke.
“Have you seen a doctor yet?”
What a new idea!
New doctor: “Issues?”
“Open your old med school text,
Highlight all the things.”
Mount Etna-level
Explosion ensuing. Oops
Forgot my enzymes.
For breakfast I'd like
One bucket, filled to the brim
With various pills.
No matter the weight
I just can't seem to get rid of
Scrawny chicken legs.
CF you're so sweet -
Too sweet for my pancreas.
Thanks for the 'beetus.
My genes are too tight.
Don't fit like they're supposed to.
Exchange policy?
I love my body.
Except my genes, my thighs and
All the rest of it.
A partner wanted:
Must love fridge box-shaped bodies
And appointments.
“What is it you have?”
“It's called CF. It's when there's”
“Yeah, watery brain.”
An ocean has dried
Upon my skin. I am a
Free-range saltshaker.
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