Gift Notification

Gift Notification

Your legacy of adding tomorrows for everyone with CF.

Thank you for your incredible support. By including a gift to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in your will, you are making your mark on the future of CF research, treatment and support.

The information you provide here will ensure that our records are accurate and that we use your gift in the way that you intend. This is not a binding legal document, and your information will be kept confidential.

If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Zar, at 301-907-2582 or

I have included a gift for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation through my:
planned gift
My planned gift/bequest is:
A specific amount of:
Stated as a percentage:
Worth approximately:

The Paul di Sant'Agnese Legacy Society

To recognize your generosity and encourage others to leave a legacy gift, with your permission, your name(s) will be listed in the Paul di Sant'Agnese Legacy Society in print and online as written below.
Please list my/our name(s) as:
   Would like to learn more about the Milestones III: Driven by a Dream campaign.

Please confirm your contact information:

* denotes required field

The content found on this site is general in nature and intended to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be relied upon as legal, tax, accounting or other professional advice. To determine how a gift or estate planning decision might affect your particular circumstances, it is expressly recommended that you consult an attorney, financial advisor or other qualified professional.

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