Learn how we fund research, how to navigate our grants management system as both an applicant and awardee, and key research priorities to keep in mind to maximize your potential for being funded.

We offer a range of funding opportunities for academic and industry investigators pursuing research on topics relevant to CF.

We regularly assess our key research priorities to ensure we are on track to accomplish our mission: to cure CF, and to provide people with CF the opportunity to lead long lives.

We offer awards for cystic fibrosis research, as well as for professional development and training.

We invest in technology platforms and therapies with the potential to create meaningful improvements in the lives of people with CF.
This how-to guide for applicants explains how to use the CF Foundation's grants management system to submit your application for funding.
This three-part video series provides an overview of our grants management system and covers how to add contacts, accept an award, and view payments.
This how-to guide for grant recipients explains how to accept and activate your award, and how to add contacts, budget, and other deliverables.
All reporting forms for CF Foundation-awarded grants can be found here. Check your award letter for the dates and reporting requirements of your particular grant.
The CF Foundation negotiates terms and conditions on an institutional basis. Example templates of the standard terms and conditions are provided here in the interest of transparency for reference and informational purposes only and do not indicate an agreement. Check with your institution (and/or the Grants Management System) for the terms and conditions that may apply to your particular award. Questions regarding terms and conditions may be directed to the Foundation’s Medical Compliance Office.