Statement on Tobacco Entity Involvement

Read our statement on tobacco entity involvement.

1 min read

The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CF Foundation) is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with cystic fibrosis the opportunity to lead long, fulfilling lives by funding research and drug development, partnering with the CF community, and advancing high-quality, specialized care.

The CDC notes the many significant, harmful effects of tobacco use, including disease, disability, and damage to nearly every organ of the body. Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic health conditions, and its impact also extends beyond the person who smokes. Cigarette smoke exposure reduces the beneficial effects of many medical treatments, including treatments for CF. Involvement with tobacco entities contradicts our mission, and, as such, the CF Foundation prohibits any support from or activity with the tobacco or nicotine delivery systems industries.

Published on September 15, 2022

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