The need to find innovative ways to include the cystic fibrosis community is at the forefront of our minds. We want to ensure that people with CF and their families do not feel isolated or excluded in conversations about their care and wellbeing. We feel that it's important to include their voices in everything we do, especially in our conferences.
On March 11-12, we are hosting our annual Volunteer Leadership Conference and we'd like to invite you to join us via live stream and make your voice heard from the comfort of your own home or favorite coffee shop.
You will be able to ask questions throughout the conference and connect with us on our social media channels using the hashtag #CFVLC2016. We want to hear your thoughts and ideas on the various topics discussed throughout the conference.
The 2016 Volunteer Leadership Conference marks the third year that we will host a panel discussion between adults with CF regarding topics identified by, and for, the CF adult community. Be on the lookout for the CF adult panel, moderated by Andy Lipman, who recently invited us into his home to learn more about his life with CF. Andy will moderate a discussion focusing on relationships -- between significant others, friends, parents and children -- alongside Julia Rae and Katharine Scrivener.
Register for the live stream today and watch this session as well as many others, including the "State of the Science" update and "Advancing the CF Care Model."