How CF Impacts My Relationship With My Daughter

Despite my cystic fibrosis, my relationship with my daughter continues to grow stronger each time we are together. She doesn't care about what I can or can't do physically. She just loves me unconditionally.

June 29, 2021 | 3 min read
Andy Drooker

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a date can be a noun or a verb. Many of us use the word as a verb -- “Disco, that word dates me.” I prefer using it as a noun -- “the day of the month or year as specified by a number.” That definition of date applies meaning, substance, and relevance to life-changing events in one's life. The most important date in my life, with positive meaning, is the birthday of my daughter (my life, my light), December 22 or 1222.


What other dates have profound meaning? My birthday. My brother's birthday. My niece's birthday. There are countless others, but the day I discovered -- or was told -- I had cystic fibrosis had a tremendous emotional impact on me. Besides ending a two-year medical trek to discover what was medically wrong with me, the date also represents the day my marriage ended. While the medical trek ended, an odyssey began on a different front. I had to fight in court to be a present parent in my daughter's life. The odyssey was fueled by ignorance and narcissism. However, that is a story for another blog post.

Needless to say, many years later and a win in court, my bond and relationship with my daughter are growing stronger by the day.

What is it like to be a single parent with CF, over 50, raising a 7-year-old? Every date means something when I am with her. We have daddy/daughter vacations, daddy/daughter photo shoots, and a plethora of daddy/daughter fun times. Since I started to take her to pre-K, we have taken photos every day we are together. She will have a true digital diary of every day she has been with her dad.

Every date matters in the life of a father with CF.

When we go on daddy/daughter trips, does CF affect what I can do with my daughter? Yes, yes it does. But like most individuals with a handicap, one adapts and relearns one's limitations. Will I be running marathons or entering strongman competitions? No. However, I might walk with my daughter and our dog, Ruby, by the lake; or ride my electric bike while my daughter rides hers with both of us wearing our two-way communication safety helmets.

Does my daughter know her daddy is sick? First, let me state that “sick” has several meanings. I do not view myself as sick. One is not sick -- just temporally not 100 percent. Let's be honest -- no one is 100 percent. Today, I feel like 100 percent. Why? Because no matter what I can or cannot do physically, my daughter loves her dad who has CF, unconditionally. She does not see CF; she sees her dad. Whether it be on the sidelines, in the carpool line, on her phone, or in a photo, the love of a child has no expiration date. There is no maturity date. Just one great date after another.

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This site contains general information about cystic fibrosis, as well as personal insight from the CF community. Opinions and experiences shared by members of our community, including but not limited to people with CF and their families, belong solely to the blog post author and do not represent those of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, unless explicitly stated. In addition, the site is not intended as a substitute for treatment advice from a medical professional. Consult your doctor before making any changes to your treatment.

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Andy studied computer science, statistics and political science at Georgia State University. Beginning in 1989, Andy worked in the broadcasting industry for 20 years, including at Turner Broadcasting and The Weather Channel. He was diagnosed with CF while working as director of global application development and innovation at UPS. Andy's focus now is being the best father he can be for his daughter (Daddy's Girl), and writing about his lifelong journey with CF, although he did not know he had it. He is always looking for opportunities to bring more awareness to the CF community and those involved in it -- family members, friends, and people he meets.

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