Study and Site Management

The strength of the Therapeutics Development Network Coordinating Center lies in our unparalleled experience in setting up and managing cystic fibrosis studies and our intimate knowledge of the CF research community.

4 min read
In this article
  • Leveraging TDNCC resources and insights can help sponsors streamline the process of site selection and help ensure the most appropriate sites are selected for each study.
  • To increase efficiency, the TDNCC has developed a set of standard systems, procedures and document templates that are custom-tailored for cystic fibrosis studies and frequently used by staff at TDN study sites.
  • In addition to our working relationships with CF study site personnel, we are knowledgeable about the unique aspects of CF studies, including specialized procedures and specimens. 

Clinical Project Oversight

From study design to study materials development, from site selection to site startup, the Therapeutics Development Network Coordinating Center (TDNCC) can provide the guidance, feedback, and tools that will enable your study to be successful.

Experienced study managers oversee each clinical study and serve as the single point of contact for sponsors and lead investigators. Services include:

  • Management of study teams, including oversight of site monitors
  • Maintenance of project timelines
  • Study status and metrics tracking
  • Vendor oversight

Site Selection

Leveraging TDNCC resources and insights can help sponsors streamline the process of site selection and help ensure the most appropriate sites are selected for each study. Here are some of the ways we can help:

  • Identification of interested sites
  • Development and collection of site feasibility questionnaires
  • Pre-study evaluations and/or qualification visits
  • Investigator selection

Study Start-Up

The TDNCC has developed a set of standard systems, procedures and document templates that are custom-tailored for cystic fibrosis studies and frequently used by staff at TDN study sites. By utilizing these familiar tools, the TDNCC increases efficiency, while also maintaining quality and consistency. Services include:

  • Preparation of site startup materials, such as template consent forms, subject diaries, and subject instructions
  • Development of study materials, including study manuals, laboratory manuals, and source documents
  • Development of study-specific procedures
  • Development of study plans such as for communication and site monitoring
  • Development and maintenance of study-specific websites

Site Startup and Training

TDNCC study managers and site monitors have established strong and consistent working relationships with CF clinical research teams across the country. This mutual understanding enables all parties to interact more effectively right from the beginning. Site startup and training services include:

  • Review of site-customized consent documents and assistance with institutional review board (IRB) submissions
  • Coordination and management of central IRB submissions
  • Collection of essential documents required for site activation
  • Planning and conduct of investigator's meetings, webinars, site initiation visits and other study-related training
  • Negotiation and management of site budgets and subcontracts

Site Management and Monitoring

In addition to our working relationships with CF study site personnel, we are knowledgeable about the unique aspects of CF studies, including specialized procedures and specimens. This combined expertise makes us extremely effective at managing and monitoring CF study sites. Services include:

  • Overall site management
  • Interim monitoring and closeout visits
  • Essential document collection and maintenance
  • Study drug management and tracking
  • Study supply management and tracking
  • Laboratory specimen tracking
  • Data listing reviews for interim or final reports

Specialized Study Implementation Support

If you already have a clinical operations team in place to implement your study, the TDNCC can still help by providing CF expertise and insights into the CF community. Below are some examples of how we have supported the implementation of such studies:

  • Training site monitors new to CF
  • Assistance developing CF-specific aspects of study documents
  • Reviewing draft documents to identify any CF-specific logistical issues
  • Performing initial site assessments or providing advice on site selection
  • Participating in investigator's meetings
  • Facilitating interactions between sponsor or contract research organization and clinical sites, National Resource Centers, or other vendors

Contact Us

For more details or to discuss how we can best support your study, please contact us at

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