High Standards and High Expectations
Therapeutics Development Centers benefit from the centralized training, standardized procedures, and highly collaborative environment offered by the Therapeutics Development Network (TDN). They use quality improvement tools and strategies on an ongoing basis, and their performance in clinical studies is monitored to encourage continued quality and efficiency without compromising safety.
These centers also have high expectations for the studies they choose to conduct. With multi-center interventional studies, the centers will prioritize those that have been through the TDN protocol review process and that will be monitored for safety by the Data Safety Monitoring Board.
Becoming a Therapeutics Development Center
Therapeutics Development Centers are selected by the CF Foundation through a competitive process. Each center is a Foundation-accredited care center with a solid research support system, qualified personnel, and demonstrated expertise in conducting CF clinical research.
A competitive renewal process for Therapeutics Development Centers is held approximately every two years. CF Foundation-accredited care centers that are interested in joining the TDN should contact the CF Foundation's Grants and Contracts Office at grants@cff.org.