Tools for Remote CF Care Delivery: Application of QI Science

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is requesting applications with a Letter of Intent for innovative, multi-site quality improvement projects that aim to test tools and processes facilitating remote cystic fibrosis care delivery. 

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The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is supporting a broad research portfolio to understand the use of telehealth and remote monitoring. This portfolio includes clinical trials and observational research studies that will either directly or indirectly acquire data from home devices or collected samples to assess the feasibility and reliability of remote monitoring. These studies will not address how to implement these technologies into clinical care and their impact on patient/family experience.

This request for applications (RFA) with letter of intent (LOI) request will increase our understanding of the processes and pragmatic considerations for home spirometry, respiratory sample collection, and remote acquisition of other clinical data in a real-world CF care setting. It is requested that three or more care programs collaborate and that patients/families are included as project team members. Study participants in other CF Foundation or CF Foundation Therapeutics Development Network-sanctioned studies would not need to be excluded.

Please note: This is a one-time RFA with a LOI. Full applications will be solicited by invitation only after review of LOI.

Applicants must be members of a CF Foundation-accredited CF care center. Up to $250,000 per year (plus 12% indirect costs) for a maximum of two years may be requested.

Patient/family partners/advisor(s) must be included as a member of the project team or as a consultant.

Industry-sponsored research projects are not eligible to apply through this program and instead should consider applying to the Therapeutics Development Awards program. For additional information, please contact and copy Kathryn Sabadosa at

The objective of this RFA is to fund highly meritorious, multi-site (three or more programs) quality improvement projects that seek to advance remote monitoring processes in routine CF clinical care. Primary areas of interest include home spirometry and remote (i.e., outside of the CF clinic setting, including mail-in or curbside drop-off) respiratory sample collection (e.g., sputum/oropharyngeal swabs) in a real-world setting. Other innovative types of remote monitoring and care delivery will also be considered.

Policies and Guidelines

Please review the 2022 Policies and Guidelines for complete submission information.


All letters of intent and full applications for 2022 must be submitted online at by 5 p.m. ET.

Letter of Intent: March 23, 2022

Full application: June 15, 2022

For More Information

More information regarding the priorities of this program, please contact Kathryn Sabadosa at  

Those who are interested in any funding programs offered by the Foundation may get further information or discuss the potential relevance of their studies or research by contacting the Grants and Contracts Office at

Please Direct Inquiries to:

Grants and Contracts Office
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
4550 Montgomery Ave.
Suite 1100 N
Bethesda, MD 20814

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