CF Circles

CF Circles are small group discussions that allow you to feel heard and share your experiences with others.

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About CF Circles

Feel heard and share your experiences with others through CF Circles. These topic-based, hour-long small group discussions allow primarily adults with cystic fibrosis to gather virtually with a handful of people to talk about their unique experiences, such as not benefiting from CFTR modulators, receiving a delayed CF diagnosis, living as a Black person with CF, and more.   

I felt alone in my diagnosis and kind of like I didn’t really fit in anywhere. Last night I felt I gained a new family. — CF Circles participant

Discussions provide an opportunity to connect with and find validation from those who understand what you’re going through. Attendees are divided into small breakout groups of approximately 5-10 individuals based on their specific experiences to allow for more intimate, personalized conversations. Each group is led by a member of the CF community who has been trained to facilitate discussion and create a welcoming environment. Sessions accommodate a maximum of 100 registrations. If interest exceeds capacity, an additional session will be planned shortly after. You can sign up to be the first to know about future CF Circle sessions. 

Hearing other people’s stories about what they have been through made me feel less alone. — CF Circles participant

By sharing your experiences and hearing from others, you can find camaraderie in the ups and downs of your CF journey. This mutual support can not only foster a sense of belonging but can also provide practical guidance to help you navigate your path forward with confidence.  

Interested in playing a more active role in CF Circles? Sign up to learn more about leading future sessions.

Register For CF Circles

Sexual Health

This session offers a comfortable space to connect with other adults with CF who share similar sexual health experiences. There is no set agenda, but topics may include discussion of hormones, incontinence and UTIs, side effects of medication, or menopause. Join the conversation to engage in meaningful conversations, exchange insights, and build connections with others in the CF community. Open to adults with CF ages 18+.

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Living Longer With CF

This small group discussion is a supportive environment where adults with CF ages 40+ can connect with their peers. Previous topic discussions have ranged from navigating changes in health to work transitions and redefining your expectations of aging. Join the conversation to share insights, foster connections, and explore what aging with CF means for you. Open to adults with CF ages 40+.

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Life as a Black Person With CF

Connect with other Black adults with CF in a small group discussion. This space provides an opportunity to meet your peers, build social connections, and share your experiences in a supportive environment.  There is no formal agenda, but discussion topics may include misdiagnosis or delayed treatment, self-advocacy in medical settings, and practical strategies to managing life with CF. Open to adults with CF ages 18+.

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Upcoming Sessions
  • Delayed CF Diagnosis
  • Life as a Black Person with CF 
  • Life Post-Transplant
  • Cost of Care With CF
  • Pain Management
Sign up to be notified when registration opens for upcoming CF Circles.
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