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CF Community Blog

The CF Community Blog is written by the community, for the community. It's about sharing our experiences, reflections, and perspectives — the good days, the bad days, and all the tough and wonderful things in between. With topics ranging from emotional health to treatments, the blog is a platform to share your unique story.

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Clarisse hugging her dad at the hospital.


Caring For My Dad With CF

I grew up learning my dad’s cystic fibrosis treatment routines and helping my mom as another caregiver. My dad may not need as much help anymore post-transplant, but our family’s close bond is stronger than ever.

Clarisse Valles
Dec. 8, 2022 | 8 min read
Carolanne kissing her newborn.


What the First Year of My Son’s Life With CF Has Taught Me

Accepting my son’s cystic fibrosis diagnosis has been a year-long journey for our family. I learned there is more to motherhood with a chronically ill child than meets the eye.

Carolanne Cimino
Dec. 5, 2022 | 7 min read
Marisa smiling outside with her family.


The Challenges of Pregnancy With CF

I was determined to make my dream of becoming a mother a reality despite the potential risks that pregnancy can cause for people living with CF. It certainly wasn’t easy, but the challenges of pregnancy and CF were rewarding in the end because I now have two wonderful girls who call me mom.

Marisa Fairchild
Nov. 30, 2022 | 6 min read
Larissa smiling outside with her two sons.


Embracing the Realities of Aging With CF

Now that I’m in my 40s and post-lung transplant, I’m beginning to embrace the realities of aging with cystic fibrosis. Despite the gray hairs and deepening wrinkles, I know that I am lucky to be looking forward to mammograms and menopause.

Larissa Marocco headshot
Nov. 28, 2022 | 6 min read
Amber smiling with her husband.


Stable With Trikafta

On the brink of being listed for lung transplant, I started Trikafta®, which has helped stabilize my health and helped me avoid it for now, but a transplant could be in my future.

Amber Howell
Nov. 22, 2022 | 6 min read
Maddy smiling in her college dorm next to her bed.


How CF Taught Me to Be Flexible

When I was in college, I wanted to do it all and my health wasn’t as much of a priority anymore. I learned to accept that things will not always go according to plan and to integrate routine in my life to ensure my health comes first.

Maddy Hamp
Nov. 21, 2022 | 5 min read