Statements, Letters, and Regulatory Comments

Statements, Letters, and Regulatory Comments

By educating elected officials and other government decision-makers on the needs of the cystic fibrosis community, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation works to shape public policy to help our efforts to cure CF and provide all people with CF the opportunity to live full, healthy lives. Below find a listing of our state and federal statements, letters, and regulatory comments.

Statements, letters, and regulatory comments issued before July 2023 can be found in our archive.

Drug Pricing and Access CF Foundation Comments on Proposed Legislation to Create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board in Nebraska

In a letter to Nebraska's Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation provided feedback on LB 833 which would establish an affordability board with the goal to improve access to and affordability of care for Nebraskans.

Health Equity | Newborn Screening CF Foundation Urges Changes to Nebraska Bill Making State Newborn Screening Optional

In a letter to the Nebraska Senate’s Committee on Health and Human Services, the CF Foundation urged legislators to amend LB 1060 to require the provision of materials to parents about the lifesaving benefits of newborn screening and the risks of opting out before parents decide to forgo this service.